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Easy sugar swaps to save your teeth

Most children (and many adults) enjoy a sugary treat, but with the risk of tooth decay, it is worth exploring how to reduce your family’s sugar consumption.

Choose healthier breakfast cereals

Instead of sugary and chocolatey cereals, opt for a whole-grain cereal like wheat biscuits or oatmeal, or muesli without any added sugar. Make the cereal more interesting with a good dollop of Greek yoghurt for more protein and calcium.

Swap out soft drinks

A soft drink can contain huge amounts of sugar. Instead, try sparkling water and if you want to sweeten it, add some freshly squeezed berries or a little low sugar fruit juice.

Beware of hidden sugars in snacks

That granola bar or fruit leather may seem healthy, but you will probably be shocked by how much sugar it contains if you read the label. How about trying a crunchy apple, popcorn or nuts, or a handful of grapes instead?

Cook your own spaghetti sauce

Grabbing a jar of ready-made sauce makes a quick and easy meal, but it is nearly as quick and a lot healthier to make your own. Add your favourite herbs and spices to a can of chopped tomatoes, and don’t forget to include fresh veggies like sweet peppers and mushrooms.